Initial Consultation for New Ski Boots - From £150

What to expect when you book and attend an appointment with us for new ski boots:


First of all, thank you for choosing us! We take our responsibility to you for excellent sales and aftercare seriously. We know how many of you have had holidays effected by ill fitting product!


You will be asked to attend the shop on a specific date and time. We schedule appointments in 1 hour slots but that is for the initial assessment. Appointments actually normally take between 2 and 3 hours. Time well spent, rushing fittings just leads to issues further down the line. Each appointment includes initial assessment, measurement, a custom set of footbeds for the boots from either Sidas or Superfeet (depending on your individual needs) and a minimum 2 year custom fit guarantee. We stand by our work so you can purchase in confidence.


Please wear loose fitting trousers that can be rolled above the knee, no skirts (you have to stand over a mirror for part of the assessment process) or skinny jeans please! We need to be able to see the whole lower leg including the knee during assessment and footbed manufacture. Bring some ski socks with you and be prepared for us telling you that your socks are not good enough if they are a cheap tube or loop stitch type, they just won't cut it on the hill. We also need to see any footbeds you use day to day that are prescribed by a Podiatrist or Physiotherapist.


The first 30 to 60 minutes of the appointment is given over to a thorough assessment of your needs. We talk to you about past skiing and your skiing aspirations and about any issues you have had with ski boots before. We will ask about your medical history and then conduct a comprehensive assessment of your biomechanics including your ankle posture, your flexibility, your ankle range of motion and we then take 12 measurements of each foot. This will give us a complete picture of you as a skier and the type/level of product we should be putting you in.


At this point we will decide on what boots to try with you. Assuming we have those in stock we will continue with the fit using a process of elimination to get to the perfect boots for you. This is done with plenty of to and fro between us and you. Using our guidance and your feedback we will arrive at the right conclusion. If, for any reason, we do not have the specific boot(s) in stock we believe we need after assessment we will stop at that point and order in specifically for you. In this way we always fit what is right rather than just what we have on the shelf.


Once we have narrowed the choice to the correct boot we can then embark on the final part of the fitting. This is where we will implement any small adjustments or modifications to the boots specific to you and your needs. We will introduce a custom footbed we will manufacture for you at this point in the process to promote stability and comfort in the boot. Finally, to finish off the custom fitting we will heat mould the shell and liner of the product to manufacturers recommendations. This is really the icing on the cake and makes the boots start to really feel like 'Your' boots.


We always give boot wearing in, boot drying, boot storage and aftersales advice at the end of the fit so you know how to keep your boots in great condition to ski in for years to come!


Finally, the Fit Guarantee. We always offer a minimum two year fitting guarantee of our fitments. you can purchase in complete peace of mind knowing that we cover the cost of any modifications, parts or remedial work on the product we have sold you to your comfort satisfaction. No questions asked. Unequivocal.


Please wear loose fitting trousers that can be rolled above the knee, no skirts (you have to stand on a mirror for part of the assessment process) or skinny jeans please! We need to be able to see the whole lower leg including the knee during assessment and footbed manufacture. Bring some ski socks with you and be prepared for us telling you that your socks are not good enough if they are a cheap tube or loop stitch type, they just won't cut it on the hill. We also need to see any footbeds you use day to day that are prescribed by a Podiatrist or Physiotherapist.


Cost for this appointment type is from £150 and is payable in all cases  whether we supply a boot or not. The appointment fee is for the time and knowledge received during the assessment and assessment is the key to a quality service and correct boot choice.


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